• Professional
    Managment Team

    At KIHE we belive
    The first step for high standard is
    a better management so it keeps the stands
    high and remove the obstacles from the way

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  • KIHE Faculties
    With best Curriculum

    Curriculum's are taken from wolds most
    Famous Universities, to make sure students
    at KIHE has access to latest study materials

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The last date of Admission for all Programmes is 31st July 2023.

Welcome to KAWUN Institute of Higher Education

Message from Founder

Welcome to KAWUN Institute of Higher Education!
I believe that it is never too late to study, the right time to continue your educational goals is always now. We established KAWUN to provide transformational education for youth in the aftermath of the decades of war in the country. We have seen extraordinary success with our alumni and students, and we are ready to scale our unique model of personalized & affordable higher education. We, at KAWUN, introduce a model of higher education that empowers students to boldly face the realities of the 21st century. Our team at KAWUN is committed to educate future leaders to champion opportunity and sustainability in solving the country’s most pressing challenges. Our commitment to youth empowerment is unwavering – KAWUN is, and will continue to be preparing students to thrive as leaders across a diversity of industries.
With deep gratitude,

Mohammad Sharif Samsor “MPPA”

KAWUN Institute of Higher Education

Message from Co-Founder

Let me congratulate you on your decision to pursue your education at KAWUN Institute of Higher Education. KAWUN is a very friendly place, with many people who are devoted to helping you achieve your educational goals. KAWUN is an institution with its distinct ideology, which can be briefly stated thus:

Our objective is: To make quality education accessible to the students coming from different regions and different strata of the Society and to provide the same to them as per their individual choices and inclination at affordable prices.

It is with great pride that I invite you to become a student and experience first-hand the academic benefits offered by KAWUN through holistic health education, research and clinical applications. Our intention is to create competent and credible practitioners to be of service through education.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. med. Hamidullah Jubran

KAWUN Institute of Higher Education

News & Events

follow latest news at KAWUN

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KIHE Bot camp at Job Fair

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Islamic Education

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Role of Technology in Studying

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Conference on Environment

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Women in the Economy

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Youth role in Afghanistan Development

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Job Fair at KIHE

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KIHE Boot camp at Job Fair

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Schools at Kawun Institute of Higher Education

At KAWUN we believe:

A young institution, boldly conceived, Kawun is intent on carrying on the great traditions of learning at the highest levels of rigor and meaning, with a moral conviction for inclusion and justice. In a world challenged by intolerance and ignorance, and burdened by disregard and disdain for learnedness, reason, and inquiry, this university has a special and truly unique role to play.

  • Why we need midwifery program?

    • To increase the number of eligible graduates from secondary education to higher education in midwifery standards
    • To produce quality and experienced midwives to prevent complications during birth and after birth
    • To produce midwives in the management areas, particularly in health services
    • To produce midwives, with ability to participate in health development researches

  • The Kawun Institute of Higher Education established the Law & Political Science Department within its structure to create a unique learning environment that provides high quality legal education and to bring together a very diverse group of students, faculties, scholars, professional and experts from a variety of educational environments in an effort to broaden all perspectives.

  • Business Administration & Economics School is one of three schools of Kawun Institute of Higher Education, where economy, finance, business and administration oriented subjects are compulsory and there are other all universities inclusive subjects that are delivered to the students of the Economy & Finance School.

  • Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)

    Students are exposed to techniques and methods to analyse, design, and implement software systems at technician and junior management levels.

    Certificate in English Language (CEL)

    Certificate in English Language (CEL) is an intensive three-month program designed for preliminary learners of English who need to acquire the fundamentals of the language to prepare them for DEL Program.

About Kawun Institute of Higher Education

The Kawun Institute of Higher Education is private higher educational institution that is committed to deliver high standard and quality educational services in the fields of Curative Medicine, Business Administration, Economy and Law in Balkh province.
KAWUN INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, NORTHERN AFGHANITAN is the Afghanistan’s high-access public institute of choice. KIHE serves the Northern Region with standard-equipped educational campus located in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh – Afghanistan. With a growing enrolment, the KIHE attracts students from throughout the region, as well as from other regions of the country.

Find Us in Mazar e Sharif

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