
KAWUN Institute of Higher Education requires the candidates to apply online. To access the online application system, please visit

The candidates also could apply offline. To apply offline, candidates need to visit Admission Office at:

Gozar-e-Se Dukan, Mukhaberat Square, Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh – Afghanistan.

The interested students who seek admission at KAWUN need to go through the process and are required to submit the following documents:

1. Four Photos
2. Filled Admission Form
3. School Graduation Cerficate (Shahadat Nama)
4. Original Citizenship Document (Tazkira)
5. Professional Acheivement Certificates, if any
6. Appearance in the Entrance Exam
7. Curriculum Vitae

Once the student submitted the abovementioned documents, the Admission Department will inform the students of the exact date of the Entrance Exam. The Examination Committee will review the submitted documents and the documents will be forwarded to Admission Department for final approval.

Once the admission is approved, the student will be informed to further deposit the admission fees and other charges within the Finance Department of KAWUN Institute of Higher Education.

Information about the fees and scholarships would be provided by the Financial Management Department and the Admission Department of the Institute – Students will be provided with advice on the policy of fees payment and other financial related policies by the mentioned department. The students are required to pay the fee on specified due date.

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